Pay It Forward - These Masks Have No Strings Attached
As we all count the days (now 52 since this all began), it's coming into focus how the livelihoods of our friends, partners, community and pretty much everyone we know have been adversely impacted through these challenging times. Of course, we're reminded of the health consequences daily. But, it is only through the emails, texts and occasional phone calls that we hear of the "furlough", the "layoff", the "we're closing" to even the "eviction".
We've been blessed to be able to stay open. We have unique circumstances that come down to luck and surely divine providence. While our people are genuinely skilled, courageous and selfless in their willingness to work "essential" jobs to benefit others - our conditions at Mozart can be contrasted to many who are tragically less fortunate. Whether a first responder who's fallen ill and has a family worried about the future, to fellow hospitality workers struggling to figure out how to make rent, or a family business person pretty much like ourselves faced with unrelenting uncertainty never expected, we at Mozart's simply must acknowledge ... "there, but for the Grace of God go we".
So, people ask us: "… why keep wearing masks? Why are we at Mozart's putting that burden, inconvenience or even expense hardship on others?" We've remarked how our Governor continues to recommend mask-wearing as a prudent health and safety precaution regardless of our Counties and Cities in Texas no longer having it be permissible to fine, cite or hold citizens criminally negligent for non-compliance. We believe that recommendation by Governor Abbott wisely encourages each of us as private citizens - and in our case Mozart's as a private business - to do our part. To step up and help our employees, our customers and our community have the capacity to stay safe as we approach the opening of the economy with a phased-in, sensible approach.
We are Offering Help with our Mask Policy - to everyone that needs help. Simple.
Mozart's, separate from any state, county or municipal ordinances in effect, has joined other market-leading companies like American Airlines, Costco and Meijer to require transactions between employees and customers (in their facilities) to occur with a proper protective mask worn by both sides - the employees and customers. The policy adopted by these companies is a health and safety precaution aligned with the CDC's ongoing recommendations for safe social and physical distancing interactions.
It's tough out there. The truth is, most people haven't had the opportunity to calculate how much they've lost, what they are going to do - and how they are going to move forward through all this swirling confusion. Let's all be kind and patient. No one out there has created these unfortunate circumstances by their own design. We need to meet people with compassion and kindness ... no strings attached. Pay it forward.