Take Mozart's Home With You
After quite some time of dreaming and designing, we finally have the finished product of our NEW printed coffee bags!

Since the beginning of Mozart's time, we have been roasting coffee in house. Just read back a few stories here on our site and you'll learn the rich history of our in-house coffee roaster!
Yοu'll notice on our new bags how intricate the scenic sketch is. Not only did we stick with the Kraft look to match the traditional packaging we have been using forever, but we added a Mozart's staple to the front to really encompass what it feels like to step foot into our world.
The tree on the front is one of the most iconic things about the Mozart's campus! It is the center, the foundation. During the days, you will find people sitting underneath this tree writing books, starting businesses, finishing degrees, having first dates. By night you will find people sitting next to the tree listening to live music, soaking in the night air, getting engaged.
If you flip the bag over on the side, you will notice our iconic "stamp" included on the new packaging. Did you know that this "stamp" is painted on a wall down by the lake next to The Grotto? "Get More Out Of Life With Coffee!" is a part of what makes Mozart's, Mozart's!

Plus it's true... you can get so much more out of life with coffee.
These bags may be hot off the press, but so is our coffee from the roaster. You can find these new bags filled with coffee starting now in store as well as online. These bags are more than just a step up in our packaging, they are a piece of our home, going to yours.