Stage 5 Comments & Precautions
Mozart's COVID Cautious Christmas Light Show will proceed as planned rain or shine - and similarly proceed in the event, that the Austin Travis County Health Department recommends or formally adopts a move to Stage 5 prior to the completion of the Light Show on January 6th.
The COVID Cautious Christmas Light Show as currently organized and executed currently complies and exceeds ALL Stage 5 recommendations including but not limited to:
- A mandatory 6 feet in front, 6 feet behind distancing requirement for all line queues for the admission and departure as monitored by both employees of Mozart's and off-duty contract law enforcement;
- No groups, even known or to be family, in excess of 10 can gather in line together - they will be separated;
- Mandatory Mask wearing on arrival, entrance, and show viewing is required with the exception of eating and drinking intervals;
- Mandatory Mask and glove-wearing by all employees is required;
- No table guest counts in excess of 8 on our exterior decks;
- A private, climate-controlled room for up to 10 persons as a private Light Show experience not interacting with other guests;
- Outside viewing with no plastic partitions, barriers of makeshift "interior" accommodations;
- Documented, registered attendees only, each consenting on sign up to contact tracing
In the event that Austin Travis County Health authorities adopt Stage 5 and also incorporate a recommended curfew, Mozart's will evaluate the appropriateness of a curfew recommendation at that time. As of this writing, the COVID Cautious Christmas Light Show runs nightly, on the hour, at 6PM through 11PM.